Well may the accuser roar

by Samuel W. Gandy

Verse 3 of ‘His be the victor’s Name’, written in 1837 (

“Well may the accuser roar,
of sins that I have done;
I know them all and thousands more,
Jehovah knoweth none.”

Tim Keller has been a constant in my ears during runs over the years. I have found he repeats this hymn verse so often. Why? Probably because we all know and feel the roar of the accuser. Our sin weighs us down, we feel its weight. The accuser (the devil) loves to make us feel condemned and dirty and for that to linger with shame and regret. Our sin is grievous to our Holy Lord and ‘we know them one and thousands more’ BUT…’Jehovah knoweth none’.

Through faith in Jesus, our sin and all its dirty shame isn’t, overlooked as secular thinking wishes. Our sin is dealt with, punished, imputed, or transferred to Jesus. If we dare to trust Him his perfect life is imputed to us. Some days it doesn’t feel like it as we listen to the accusers roar, but there is a louder roar from one who has taken on himself our sin and shame and all the deathly consequences.

Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more. When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death and when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
— C.S. Lewis in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'

Thank you Mr Gandy.


Amazing Grace (verse 9)


Sometimes a light surprises