208 days to go

208 days to go and this last week has been about goal setting and expectation management.

The days are fast descending and having crossed the middle mark of becoming a centenarian I can no longer rely on being able to train every day, at the same intensity. My joints and muscles need far more TLC than I’m willing to admit and therefore setting goals and expectation management have been the task of the last week.

Everything from training sessions per week, race weight and the balance between aerobic and strength/conditioning has been accounted for. I’d love to say that my sports science nerdiness has been the driving factor behind this, but in reality it was the purchase of my race tri-suit that provided the much needed motivation. You can’t hide a midlife waistline in a lycra one-piece suit and the humiliation of looking in the mirror while struggling to get the suit over my shoulders, was enough to kick me into goal planning mode.

I’m sure I will fail, I’m sure I will let myself down in the process, I’m sure I will look an idiot; but I have plan and I’ll give it a go. And like one of my heroes said…

No reserves, no retreats, no regrets
— Bill Borden

But I guess Bill Borden didn’t have to wear a tri-suit!

I look nothing like this...


202 days to go


220 days to go