202 days to go

202 days to go.

On Friday evening I made a quick decision to book a session at the outdoor pool at Hampton for the following morning with a friend, I didn’t look at the weather forecast, but when scrapping ice off the car windscreen I began to rethink the plan! Thankfully the pool is heated and we jumped in for an hour of very busy lane swimming, followed by a flat white on the roof terrace cafe by the pool. This was a good endurance session and something that will need to be repeated over the next few months as I build up intensity. Sunday afternoon included a good run on Wimbledon Common, only 6.7km at a slow pace, but my puny calf muscles are going to need gently coaxing into longer and faster running sessions.

Two sessions of endurance over the weekend have made me very thankful for the luxuries of a well-equipped gym! Coming back from a cold and windy run on the common to use massage guns on my calves and then jump into a sauna, is a treat and something that might be a lifeline over the coming weeks.

I’ve managed to set up a fundraising page via Stewardship so please do consider helping me raise some money to support the local hospice who cared for Sarah so wonderfully in her final days. Click here for the fundraising page

Hampton Pool


208 days to go